Entrepreneurship, European Participations, News Εκπαιδευτικό Σεμινάριο "Ανάπτυξη Επιχειρηματικών Δεξιοτήτων" με τη χρήση εφαρμογών Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης 16 May 2024 Workshop ‘Development of Entrepreneurial Skills’ using Artificial Intelligence Applications Reflection on the successful seminar "Development of Entrepreneurial Skills using Artificial Intelligence Applications" by Best Cybernetics in collaboration with the… bestcybernetics
Entrepreneurship, European Participations 25 May 2023 Best Cybernetics hosted the 3rd face-to-face meeting for Erasmus + project SustainSMEs in Patras Exciting News! Best Cybernetics hosted a fruitful meeting on May 9th, 2023, in Patras, gathering all the partners from Greece,… bestcybernetics
European Participations, News 25 May 2023 Erasmus+ 6th Transnational Meeting Of The European Project “Re-Think Heritage” ERASMUS+ is a European Union program that aims to promote international cooperation and mobility in the fields of Education, Training,… bestcybernetics