The Project Digit & Learn – Empowering teachers for a more interactive, efficient and appealing digital learning experience aims to support teachers and professors in a digital upskilling journey that enables them to exploit the potential of digital means and technologies. The project recognizes the need for teachers to upskill themselves in the digital domain and seeks to address this need by offering training and access to interactive tools.
By using non-formal education practices, the Digit&Learn project aims to create a participatory and engaging learning experience for teachers and students. They will have the opportunity to learn from each other, exchange ideas, and collaborate on developing educational tools that leverage the potential of digital means and technologies. This approach promotes a sense of ownership and empowerment among the participants, as they actively contribute to the project’s goals and outcomes.
The project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme with Grant Agreement no: 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000027737
The objectives of the Digit&Learn project are:
✓ Up-skill teachers with digital and technological competencies that will enable them to create educational tools aimed at supporting their classes.
✓ Activate a process of co-creation with teachers aimed at designing digital tools based on new technologies as complementary teaching means.
✓ Elaborate assessment means to monitor the impact of new technologies digital-based educational tools on students learning achievements.
Project results:
✓ Training format: Training workshops for teachers and professors covering various important topics, such as ICT and digital literacy, developing digital content and integrating it into teaching, and VR literacy and tools for teaching. The Training Format is based on a blended approach including in person and online activities structured on three levels: Beginner, Advanced, Expert.
✓ Digital & Virtual Toolbox: A valuable collection of resources, materials, and guidelines, such as interactive video lessons, interactive scenarios, games and educational scenarios, quizzes, and student interactions. In addition, to support the teacher, the Toolbox offers content relevant to the Training Format, such as icebreakers and workshops, tips for teachers, handouts and useful resources.
✓ Assessment System: A modular, web-based full responsive platform, accessible from any device (i.e. mobile, tablet, laptop, PC), anytime, anywhere. Project partners have jointly agreed on using the Learning Management System Moodle as the most user-friendly e-Assessment web-based platform. The tool provides a series of quiz activities used in a double formative-evaluative way. On the one hand, quizzes provide information to students as fine-grained knowledge which includes videos, presentations and interactive video lessons. Other quizzes are aimed at testing the conceptual understanding gained by students. On the other hand, quizzes have a double evaluative purpose. For students’ own self-evaluation, as questions are designed in order to provide feedback to students as a means of helping them learn.
Watch the video:
Project Partners – Participating Countries
Mine Vaganti NGO, Italy,
Learnmera Oy, Finland,
Iznik Ilce Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, Turkey,
Colegiul National Spiru Haret, Romania,
Pakruojis “Zemyna” basic school, Lithuania,
Best Cybernetics, Greece
Target Groups
- Teachers and Professors
- Educational Institutions
- General Public
Our Tasks
- Website Design & Development
- e-Assessment Platform Design & Development
- Dissemination Activities